
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Do Something Nice

Today is a national holiday.  Yep, it is national 'Do Something Nice Day' today.  We have a holiday to remind us to be nice.

I didn't feel very nice this morning anticipating a call that I needed to make to Verizon to enlist their help in fixing an issue with my phone.  I had already taken my phone into the local Verizon store and the nice young man there, although very helpful, had no clue how to help me.

He decided to call customer service himself.  The customer service person was stumped as well.  They were just getting to the point where the call was being passed over to Verizon's technical service department when I told the nice young man at the Verizon store that I would finish up the call from home.  He was alone in the store and had already lost two customers because he was helping me.  I didn't see him losing any more customers doing something that I could have done myself.

So this morning, in my ugly and angry at the world mood, all the while knowing it is 'Do Something Nice Day', I called Verizon.

I spent sixty two minutes and fifty six seconds on the phone, sometimes fighting frustration and irritation, with my new Verizon friend, Darlene.  My phone still isn't fixed.  I would like to hope that we are making progress, but I have my doubts.  At least Darlene has been very kind and courteous in calling me back throughout the day to let me know of the progress - or lack of progress.  Apparently, one snag in the fix has been that the software people at Verizon can't find me on their geo-mapping.

They are probably looking for me in Mountain Home, Idaho.

Often being accused of being blunt and to the point, I eased my frustration with humor instead of raising my voice at poor Darlene.  I am happy that I was able to make her laugh.  I am sure that she has plenty enough customers that try to make her cry or at least want to throw her headset out the nearest window.  I have been there many times.

In the hurry and chaos that we create for ourselves on a daily basis, it is very easy to just not be nice to others.  It is especially difficult when we add an off-mood and frustrating circumstances into the mix.  Is it really that hard to be nice?  To say "thank you" to the clerk at WalMart - and look them in the eye when you do?  To hold the door open for someone?  To let someone merge in on the freeway?

We all have the choice to use our voices and our actions to ...

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
Ephesians 4:32 niv

Have the BEST day ever!
~ Dorothy


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