
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Where Am I?

It is raining mice and men today.  Has been all through the night and will be through tomorrow.  When I got up at 6am to take Roxy out, I thought for a moment that the last five or so years had been a dream and I am still in Western Washington.  There is water everywhere.  

Our weather outlook for the next two days is 100% chance of heavy rain.  And the weather people certainly didn't fib about that.  It has been heavy raining on us all morning.  There is a slight chance of a thunderstorm, too.  I guess God is waiting until spring for the severe thunder storms and tornado watches and warnings.

The princess dog does not like to go out in the rain.  It took come coaxing to even get her to go through the front door this morning once she looked out and saw the weather conditions.  I did get her out the door, but then she plopped her bottom down on the outside door mat and wouldn't budge.  I finally got her to go out and do her business, but she wasn't happy about it.  Rain is the only occasion where she makes it back to the door well before me.  Usually, she hangs back and looks at me with the look that says:

"Mom, do I really have to go back inside?  I just know there are things out here that are too sniffilicious to pass up."

Roxy has been very mopey all morning.  There has been a lot of sighing and looking forlornly out the window.  Randy and I have tried to tell her that the frisbee is not an inside toy.  Either she doesn't want to understand or really doesn't understand.

Grey, drizzly and damp.

It is a perfect day for a fire downstairs, read a bit of a book and play a bit of a video game or two.  Or maybe  three.  Hot chocolate and a nap, too.

Boy, I have a lot to do today.

Have the BEST day ever!
~ Dorothy

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