
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Girls Day Out

Roxy and I decided to hit the town and do some shopping before Christmas.  It was just one of those days where we both felt the need to get out of the house.

Our first stop was to see our friend, Miss Tammy.  Miss Tammy has been feeling poorly, but still had to go to work.  Roxy thought it would be a nice idea to try to cheer her up.  Besides, I owed her some money.  Roxy loves Miss Tammy and was very excited to go into an actual beauty shop.  She was very well-behaved while we were there and stayed (mostly) just inside the door on the mat.

Next, we wanted to stop at a new gift shop that had just opened up.  The Country Store is owned by the same person who owned Rustiques, my favorite trinket shop.  Rustiques closed this past fall, so I was excited to see the new store.

I bought this cute little lamb for my kitchen window sill.  It reminds me of the Parable of the Lost Sheep.  The short version is that we are so precious to God that he would come searching for us if we become lost.  You can find it in Luke 15 : 4 - 7.  Don't we all feel like that one lost sheep sometimes?  I guess it makes me feel better to know that Jesus is looking for me when I am lost.

Speaking of lambs, our next stop was to All Pet and Equine Supply, our local pet store.  Roxy had to stay in the car for this stop because Santa was buying some goodies for her Christmas stocking.  Santa (me) is always happy to buy toys and chewies for Roxy.  Since rawhide doesn't agree with her, I am always looking for something for Roxy to chew on that meets the mom requirements: 1) Relatively good for her and long lasting and B) reasonably priced.

Santa settled on a lamb's ear, a lamb's bone and a few treats for her Everlasting ball.  The Everlasting treats would be everlasting if somebody in our house wouldn't 'help' Roxy get them out.

... Randy ...

Next on the list was WalMart.  When we pulled into the parking lot, Roxy looked at me with the look of "This one's all yours, Mom, I wanna stay in the car".  I would have liked to stay in the car, too.  Our WalMart is a horrible place to shop.  The store is kept clean, that's not the issue.  The issue is that the shelves are never kept stocked and the older generation act like they are on a race course with their shopping carts.

I hate to say it, but the only way for me to get any shopping done at WalMart is to put a smile on my face and chant 'excuse me' as I force my way to what I need.  No matter if I need one item or a hundred, I am always exhausted and stressed out when I walk out of WalMart.

One more place to go before we head for home.  Petco.  Roxy looks so forward to going to Petco.  She gets pets from new friends, and sometimes she even gets a cookie.  Once when she was there, she carried her treat all the way up to the cashier.  Being the smart dog that she is, she stopped short of paying for it herself.

On the way home, we stopped to chat with John, our neighbor.  John reminds me so much of my dad and I like to banter with him, when I can get him to hear me.  (no offense, Dad or John)  Right after we moved in to the house, he commented on how quiet we were.  I told him we had to lay low because Randy and I are in the witness protection program.  This time I gave him a bad time because he hit a deer on the way to Illinois for Thanksgiving.  Luckily no one was hurt, but the hood on his new Ford Escape was crinkled a bit.

I told him a Chevy would have withstood the impact.

We got out of the house for a bit and Randy had the house to himself for a while.  He made the bed, did the dishes and dust mopped the hardwood floor.  Not really, though he would have if I would have asked.

If you haven't noticed, the pictures don't quite match.  That is because Randy made me take a solemn oath not to take pictures and drive.  Plus, I forgot my camera.

Y'all have to read this post by the Pioneer Woman.  It is hysterical.  Just change the names and a few key facts, she could be describing Randy and me. (*)

The Pioneer Woman - All I Wanted Was a Doughnut

Have the BEST day ever!
~ Dorothy

(*) Jon - did I do that right?

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